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for Microsoft Business Applications

Seven Benefits of Having a Knowledge Management Solution for Your Customer Service

Post Author: Joe D365 |

It is clear that businesses today need to make "knowledge everywhere" their motto for the year. As consumers' expectations of customer service continues to evolve and the number of service channels continues to expand, you may find that your service representatives are increasingly challenged to deliver the right information in real time. By providing your agents with the right information in an accessible knowledge base and giving customers a searchable self-service portal you'll be right on track to meet your customers' evolving needs and expectations.

Here are seven benefits of having a knowledge management solution for your customer service:

1. By providing your representatives with quick, streamlined access to a knowledge base, you will improve your organization's ability to provide real-time customer service.

2. Ensure you are providing consistent and updated information and answers to customer inquiries – across your organization's departments.

3. Providing customers with a self-service channel will allow them to get consistent answers to their inquiries on a branded, searchable knowledgebase.

4. You'll see a reduction in your service team's average call handle times when your representatives have quick access to relevant knowledge and solutions.

5. You can reduce the number of repetitive questions by turning these inquiries into knowledge articles—freeing up channels for high quality customer engagement.

6. A database of knowledge articles and step-by-step guides will allow representatives to resolve issues more effectively and help increase first contact resolution (FCR) rates.

7. Gain a boost in your customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores by providing your agents with the proper tools and information to solve issues in real time.

By making it easier for your agents to deliver service with confidence and providing them with a clear vision for customer service interactions, you can create better customer experiences. Metrics like first contact resolution and average handle time can often define the success of your customer service team. Having a knowledge management solution for your customer service is critical to meeting the needs of today's customers.

To learn more about providing "knowledge everywhere" in your organization check out our free webinar on demand: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Knowledge Management: How to Empower Your Service Team.

Happy CRM'ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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