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for Microsoft Business Applications

PowerMap: Sharing a Map View in Dynamics CRM

Post Author: Joe D365 |

Imagine you've driven an hour to make a sales call and you land the sale in half the time you scheduled, great! You call your sales manager to share the good news and they ask you to make cold calls since you're already in the area. This is a great opportunity, but you weren't prepared to make cold calls and you're not even sure how many potential customers are in the area. Your sales manager says not to worry and in minutes has created a shared view of you area in PowerMap. You pull up the PowerMap URL on your tablet, open the view, add the contact entity, and begin making your cold calls.

PowerMap is a PowerObjects solution that uses Bing to map the addresses of your CRM records. The map is displayed in CRM or through a unique web URL so you can access maps on the go! You can then map one or all of the entities, change the pins for each entity, or even map directions.

In the scenario above, the sales manager took a few steps to share the view.

1. Open PowerMap in CRM and zoom into the salesperson's location until reaching the desired radius.

2. Select "Save current location", enter the location name, and Save.

3. After saving the map view, it will appear in the Map Locations found in the PowerPack navigation.

4. Open the location and press Share.

5. Select Add User/Team, then select the sales person, and press the Select button.

Sometimes by default the user has read-only privileges, you can chose not to add any other privileges if you wish and then press Share.


The user then has the ability to log in through the URL and can now see the shared view.


PowerMap is one of many PowerPacks we offer. If you are interested in learning more about PowerObjects' PowerPacks, make sure to check out our website! Want to give PowerMap a try? Visit the PowerMap page to download the solution to get started of your free 30 day trial!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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