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Even Santa Claus Uses PowerPack

Post Author: Joe D365 |

We all know the world is changing. Here at PowerObjects, that has become more evident than ever with our latest client… Santa Claus! Even jolly ol' Saint Nick has started to leverage technology to keep up with the ever-changing demands of our world. Over the last several months, PowerObjects has helped Santa Claus use Microsoft Dynamics CRM and PowerPack add-ons to streamline his tasks, optimize his time, and identify who falls on the BB&G (bad boys and girls) list, all while helping him deliver billions of toys in just one night!

By leveraging Microsoft Dynamics CRM and PowerScore, Santa Claus can now quickly capture and identify the good children while filtering out the naughty children. By setting up rules in CRM to increase children's scores based on good behaviors—and decrease scores for those acting not-so-nice—Santa can easily build his BB&G list.

On top of scoring children's behaviors, PowerScore allows Santa Claus to age the children's scores. A kid's score from last year should not affect which list they make it on this year. Pretty slick process to automate and identify the BB&G list, if you ask me!

Even Santa Claus Uses PowerPack

Santa Claus didn't stop there. We also helped him set up a Microsoft Dynamics CRM workflow to notify the children that are on the BB&G list. A newsletter went out to all of the naughty children, full of tips and tricks on how to get off the naughty list. By leveraging CRM workflows and PowerMailChimp, Santa Claus is able to nurture the naughty kids into good kids. And this is all through a fully automated process!

As I am sure you can imagine, Santa Claus' website is busier than ever this time of year, and the North Pole Elves are carefully monitoring the website activity with PowerWebTraffic. Elves can tell which kids have been on the site and what they are most interested in. This also gives the Elves better insight into what toys are in high demand this holiday season. Currently the Xbox One is very popular! (I know I'm hoping for one…)

Of course, children request millions of toys every day, and a kid's mind is never made up. While Santa often responds to these requests in person during the months of November and December, the demand can become overwhelming at times. So PowerObjects helped Santa set up a PowerWebForm which allows children to log present requests online when Santa's demand is too high for a mall visit. Children simply need to jump onto the North Pole website and fill out the Santa Claus present request form, with their new or updated requests. The web form is then submitted back into the North Pole's CRM system and updates the child's key information and present requests. This has been a huge time saver for Santa Claus as well as his Elves.

This Christmas Eve will be the first year Santa Claus will be able to leverage geo-coded addresses. This is done by using PowerMap add-on, which finds the addresses of each child's record and plots them on a map. Santa Claus will be able to see all of the kids' geospatial locations on a Bing Map, while plotting out his many different CRM lists with different colored pins. Looking at the BB&G list on a heat map is very telling!

Also, in case of a winter storm, PowerMap will equip Santa with directions from location to location.

PowerObjects, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and the PowerPack add-ons have allowed Santa Claus to be more efficient this year. One thing is for sure as we get closer to December 25th: Santa Claus is segmenting his list and checking it only once!

Merry CRM'ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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