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It’s All Relative: How to Relate an SLA Directly to a Case in CRM 2016

Post Author: Joe D365 |

SLAs (Service Level Agreements) were introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 2013 SP1 (6.1). This robust feature lets you manage response and resolution commitments for your customers. CRM 2015 enhanced SLAs even further by providing the functionality to pause a case based on its status, and for recently released Dynamics CRM, you can now relate an SLA directly to a case. In today's blog we will show you how to do this, so let's get started!

Enhancements in CRM 2015 also included the ability to create new SLA KPIs in addition to "Respond By" and "Resolve By." Scenarios might include a second response or determine how quickly a case is picked from a queue. Through all this, however, we were required to use Entitlements in order to create the relationship of a Case to its SLA. Entitlements provide significant functionality similar to legacy service contracts and, although robust, perhaps not always necessary.

In CRM 2016, we now have a direct relationship between Cases and SLAs. This allows for applying an SLA directly to a case via the new out-of-the-box relationship:


Now we can dynamically change the SLA based on metadata, related records, or changes to the case itself.

For example, if the case was escalated, we could change the SLA workflow, the Case creation details, routing rules, or business rules! The SLA could also be manually updated by a customer care user or manager.

Simply create a workflow to respond to the case change and update the SLA.


Note: An additional step may be required to update the related SLA KPI records.


With this enhancement, we are able to more efficiently handle changes in SLA requirements.

Check out some other new CRM 2016 features and remember to subscribe to the blog to receive daily updates about the world of CRM!

Happy CRM'ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

One comment on “It’s All Relative: How to Relate an SLA Directly to a Case in CRM 2016”

  1. Very nice post!

    How would you implement a situation when we need to calculate the delay between the moment when the case is created and how quickly it is picked from a queue.

    We need that delay to be less than 4 hours. Do we need to use a workflow to populate the FirstResponseSent field when a case is picked from a queue?

    What approach would you take?


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