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Minimize Clicks with CRM 2011 Keyboard Shortcuts

Post Author: Joe D365 |

Does your team complain about the number of clicks in CRM? Are you looking for ways to minimize mouse usage? Would you like to get your data into CRM more quickly? The  How-to Portal is a great place to go for all kinds of Dynamics CRM User Basics, but in this post we're going to focus purely on minimizing clicks. Check out these helpful CRM 2011 keyboard shortcuts to complete some of the everyday tasks in CRM!

Save CTRL + S
Save & Close ALT + S
Save & New CTRL + Shift + S
Copy CTRL + C
Paste CTRL + V
Undo CTRL + Z
Close a Window/Tab Esc
Move forward through a form’s fields Tab
Move backward through a form’s fields Shift + Tab
Move to the first Tab on the Ribbon CTRL + [
Move to the last Tab on the Ribbon CTRL + ]
Move the insertion point to the start of the next word CTRL + Right Arrow
Move insertion point to the start of the previous word CTRL + Left Arrow
Select all text in the current field CTRL + A
Display the System Menu for the active window ALT + Spacebar
Display the Shortcut Menu for the selected item Shift + F10
Move Up through a list of records Up Arrow
Move Down through a list of records Down Arrow
Open the selected record Enter
Select all records on the current page CTRL + A
Select multiple rows in a list sequentially Shift + Up Arrow or Shift + Down Arrow
Select multiple rows in a list non-sequentially Tab to the checkbox + spacebar
Publish Form Editor customization CTRL + Enter
Open the Lookup menu with the most recently used items in alphabetical order ALT + Down Arrow

That's it! How to minimize clicks with CRM 2011 keyboard shortcuts. If you want to look into even more ways to improve efficiency, PowerObjects offers several CRM add-ons for productivity.

Happy CRM'ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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