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Global Chemical Company

Global Chemical Company successfully migrates 2,500 users to CRM Online, Completing one of the largest migrations to CRM online in the history of Dynamics CRM.


This customer transitioned from a customer application on Lotus Notes and Siebel to Microsoft Dynamics CRM in late 2009. Their primary need started in a particular chemicals division that leveraged a custom application that was used primarily for customer engagement. The acquisition pushed a migration from Lotus Notes to Exchange, creating the need for a new platform. This is when Dynamics CRM and the next generation of their custom application came into play. The new platform introduced some game-changing, revenue-driving opportunities.

There are a few primary areas where the customer has achieved quantifiable results with Dynamics CRM. Some examples are an increase in revenue and margins with contract management; the increase in customer experience and engagement; as well as decreased and more agile response times.


The customer’s increase in revenue and margins derived from the customer’s idea to leverage O365 and CRM online in a consolidated way. Now they are able to reduce the time it takes to complete a contract, while simultaneously reducing the effort required to modify an existing contract. The customer can now sell volume through contracts. In the past, products and/or volume commitments often needed to be changed in order to capture incremental revenue. Prior to leveraging CRM online and O365, customers could not purchase a product until a contract was renewed. In addition to modifying contracts, the leadership team (prior to CRM and O365) had no visibility into their global pipeline. For the first time in the company’s history, they are able to compare and contrast customer supply and demand against the innovation pipeline.

The customer also saw an increase in their customer experience and engagement. A selected chemical division was the benchmark for high-margin chemical sales. They were not able to establish and maintain close relationships with their customers because of their utilization of an internally branded application. The customer decided to platform instead with Dynamics CRM in order to work natively in Outlook. This platform, now in CRM online and O365, allows field sellers to gather real-time feedback from customers as it relates to their needs and wants instead of what the customer is able to offer. This new sales approach is driving a higher value and the sales chain is maintaining high margins. Additionally, their contact management has vastly improved. Previously, their marketing efforts addressed every customer with “To Whom it May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam”. This can now be personalized with Dynamics CRM. Customer contacts often received duplicate letters as well, which didn’t create the best impression about the company. Contact management has consolidated this process in order to connect contacts and accounts in a more meaningful way. The customer is now able to send personalized, targeted communications to contacts and strategic accounts, resulting in the increased overall satisfaction of their customers.

One final example of quantifiable results this customer has experienced is their overall time saved. With Dynamics CRM the organization was able to deliver new functionality to end users and respond to needs in a more agile way. For example, Mobile CRM Online provides a native, out-of-the-box mobile client which users previously never had. Additionally, the ability to add workflows and business rules for routing and approvals, and the ability to add new fields to capture loss revenue, all help to increase overall win-rates.

Key Benefits

This customer has seen a significant reduction in the total cost of ownership (TCO) when compared to their previous solution. On average, the customer estimates a 25-30% reduction due to the fact that their previous system did not offer a flexible environment as compared to the multi-tenancy of Dynamics CRM. With the move to CRM Online there was an additional increase in TCO savings of about 70% and there has also been a reduction in end-user support calls by 60%. This reduction in calls was related to eliminating multiple end user IDs and passwords. Previously, with no single-sign-on environment, the customer compromised the end user experience. Lastly, there was also a 50% reduction in the time it took to provision users and deliver new capability.

Since the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, this customer has simplified the training process, particularly within the focus of functionality. This has
saved the company a significant amount of time. They estimate a 50% reduction in the time it takes to provision a new user – including training. This cost savings
is a direct result of tying CRM Online to the new O365 environment alongside an ADFS implementation. The implementation is also having a huge impact on the
customer’s end-user adoption and experience. Users now log in to O365/CRM Online with the same ID and password for both their laptop, tablet, workstation, etc.

Prior to CRM online, the sales staff had an overlap in work-load due to the need to duplicate work in over a dozen systems. This resulted in multiple contracts, opportunities, and account plans being created and only increased internal errors. CRM online consolidated many of these systems and freed up the sales representatives. This allowed the customer’s sales team to sell and close business while simultaneously reducing errors. The customer was also able to reduce IT costs by 70%. Now, with a cloud-based platform, they also have the ability to deliver needed capabilities to the end users in much less time.

With the move to CRM Online, and the help of HCLTech, the customer has a leg-up on their competition. Dynamics CRM Online allows them to quickly and easily stay up to date on roll-ups and updates. This time saving move has saved them money in budgets that were once set aside for hosting and application fees. These funds can now be applied to other areas of the organization in order to help the customer stay number one in their industry.

The customer deployed Microsoft Dynamics CRM in only three months, and is currently integrated with SAP and one other reporting database (BI platform). Beyond Dynamics CRM, this customer is utilizing Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Productivity Tools, Microsoft SQL, ADFS, DirSync, and a Microsoft Windows Server.