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Understanding the Duplicate Detection View

Post Author: Joe D365 |

Have you ever run a duplicate detection job and wished you could change the view columns to help when you're comparing potential duplicates? The good news is you can! But it's not as straightforward as changing other views in the system. The key is to understand how the duplicate detection view is put together. It's actually a combination of three different pieces.

Piece 1: The Static Part

Understanding the Duplicate Detection View

The first part of the view is composed of three columns that never change: the Name column, the Status column, and the Modified On column.

Piece 2: The Rules Part

Understanding the Duplicate Detection View

The next section is pulled from your duplicate detection rules. In the case above, there are rules looking for matches on Lead email addresses, mobile phone numbers, and business phone numbers. These columns are inserted into the view after the three static columns.

Piece 3: The Dynamic Part

Understanding the Duplicate Detection View

The last columns are all pulled from the entity's lookup view. The system compares what columns are in the duplicate detection view already from pieces 1 and 2 to the columns in the entity's lookup view and fills in the columns that are missing. This doesn't include columns that are being pulled in from related entities. This is where you can customize the columns you see in the duplicate detection view. Simply edit the entity's lookup view with the columns you feel will be relevant in your duplicate comparison, publish, and then return to your duplicate detection job to see the new columns added to the view!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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